Palliative Care Queensland

National Palliative Care Strategy 2018

The purpose of the National Palliative Care Strategy 2018 is for it to be used by all Australian governments, as well as organisations and individuals, in guiding the improvement of palliative care across Australia so that people affected by life-limiting illnesses get the care they need to live well. The Strategy provides a shared direction and an authorising environment for the continual improvement of palliative care services in Australia.

The National Palliative Care Strategy 2018 – PDF 6.1 MB
The National Palliative Care Strategy 2018 – Word 771 KB

The National Palliative Care Strategy 2018 has six guiding principles, which are identified as fundamental to ensure that all people experience the palliative care they need.
The guiding principles are:

  • Palliative care is person-centred care
  • Death is a part of life
  • Carers are valued and receive the care they need
  • Care is accessible
  • Everyone has a role to play in palliative care
  • Care is high quality and evidence-based

The Strategy has seven goal areas, each containing a number of priority statements framed as descriptions of the achievement of the goal.
The goals are:

Understanding: People understand the benefits of palliative care, know where and how to access services, and are involved in decisions about their own care.

Capability: Knowledge and practice of palliative care is embedded in all care settings.

Access and choice: People affected by life-limiting illnesses receive care that matches their needs and preferences.

Collaboration: Everyone works together to create a consistent experience of palliative care across care settings.

Investment: A skilled workforce and systems are in place to deliver palliative care in any setting.

Data and evidence: Robust national data and a strong research agenda strengthen and improve palliative care.

Accountability: National governance of this Strategy drives action.


Information from Department of Health website:

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