Palliative Care Queensland

Don’t let palliative care be neglected too

It is time! Itis time for us to come together as a sector and to raise our collective voice for palliative care in Queensland.

There has never been a greater need for the leaders, innovators and passionate advocates in our sector to unite to demand better funding, more resources, training, education and community engagement.

On Monday December 2, Palliative Care Queensland is hosting a one-day summit in Brisbane to shine a spotlight on the challenges and opportunities facing palliative care in this state. From this we will determine the priorities for the sector and deliver a policy platform to advocate for palliative care in 2020, which is set to be a watershed year.

The interim Royal Commission report into aged care has already sent shock waves through the community and the recommendations are set to have a significant impact on the delivery of palliative care.
Then at the end of March, the State Government is due to receive two reports from the Parliamentary Inquiry into aged care, end-of-life and palliative care, and voluntary assisted dying.

The sector must be ready to respond to any and all recommendations from these reports.

In October, Queenslanders will be going to the polls, with these two key inquiries upper-most in their minds, to elect a new state government.

There will never be a better time to highlight what is needed to ensure all Queenslanders have access to high-quality palliative care.

The summit will provide valuable updates from both a national and state perspective and feature six round table discussions to focus on:

  1. Palliative care in aged care
  2. Palliative care in regional and rural areas
  3. Workforce needs
  4. Specialist palliative care
  5. Public health palliative care
  6. Palliative care policy and strategy

*Numbers at each round table are limited so early bookings are essential. You can choose from three of the sessions in the morning and three in the afternoon or stay all day. Lunch is included.

The summit will run from 9am to 4pm on Monday, December 2 at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre.
Download the program here
Register to attend here.

Registration is $150* for PCQ members, $165* for non-PCQ members and $155* for people who live more than 100km from the venue
*Plus ticketing fee and tax

Do not miss this important opportunity to have your say to ensure our sector gets the support and funding needed to ensure all Queenslanders have access to excellent palliative care.

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