Palliative Care Queensland

This PalliWELLBEING Education Webinar brings together experts who will share their knowledge and insights about Yarning Circles and Palliative care for people from the Indigenous Communities experiencing serious illness, dying, death, caregiving and grief. 

We believe that palliative care is everybody’s business, and we aim to build compassionate communities around people and their families experiencing serious illness, dying, death and grief. This PalliWELLBEING webinar is designed for all members of the community including no-health related workers as well as people involved in the health sector, such as aboriginal healthcare workers, doctors, nurses, social workers, allied health staff, health administrative staff, spiritual care workers, health managers, health educators, pharmacists and paramedics. We also encourage people from diverse backgrounds to attend.

These webinars are supported by Queensland Health and QAS, and sponsored by Brisbane North Primary Health Network. 

Any questions, please email us at or call us on 07 3842 3242.

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