Palliative Care Queensland

Turning Townsville Purple For National Palliative Care Week


Turning Townsville Purple For National Palliative Care Week

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The Townsville skyline has turned purple this week in support of National Palliative Care Week!

The city’s landmarks such as the Victoria Park Bridge, Townsville sign and Townsville City Council Building are lit up to help raise awareness of Queensland’s palliative care sector which supports Queenslanders approaching their end of life.

Palliative Care Queensland’s CEO Shyla Mills thanked the City of Townsville for its support, “We would like to acknowledge the City of Townsville for supporting National Palliative Care Week and turning many of its iconic landmarks purple in celebration and solidarity.”

Palliative Care Queensland has been working in partnership with Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN), Townsville Hospital and Health Service and the Townsville City Council since 2017 to improve access to quality palliative care throughout the Townsville region.

“Everyone is affected by loss, ageing, dying and grief at some point in their life, therefore we believe that palliative care is everyone’s business. Raising awareness about what palliative care is and the different supports roles that individuals, neighbours, schools, community groups, peak bodies and social, community and health services play is essential in demystifying palliative care and emphasing that palliative care is about living every moment that you have left.”

Purple was chosen by the Townsville special palliative care unit as it is the colour that adorns their reception area and promotes choice, autonomy and dignity, one of the 10 talking points of National Palliative Care Week in Queensland.

To learn more about National Palliative Care Week 2020 events, stories, resources and much click HERE

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Back Row Left to Right – Cr Ann-Maree Greaney – Townsville City Council | Cr Jenny Hill – Mayor | Richard Corkill – Palliative Care Service | Deanne Cassidy – Palliative Care Queensland | Jenny Lazell – Palliative Care Service | Cr Sue Blom – Townsville City Council
Middle Row Left to Right – Cr Kurt Rehbein – Townsville City Council | Cr Liam Mooney – Townsville City Council | Cr .Les Walker – Townsville City Council | Sue Gordon – AngliCare
Front Row Left to Right – Glynnis James – Palliative Care Service | Helene James – Townsville City Council | Smita Gupta – Palliative Care Queensland

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