Palliative Care Queensland

Let’s Chat About Dying?

“Dying is a subject that many Queenslanders avoid talking about until they have to”, says Associate Professor Rohan Vora, President of Palliative Care Queensland.

“Although we all die, many of us prefer to bury our heads in the sand, and to pretend that we are indestructible or invincible.

” May 22nd to 28th is National Palliative Care Week, the theme of which is ‘Let’s chat about dying’. According to Associate Professor Vora, National Palliative Care Week provides a unique opportunity for many to contemplate their own end of life, and to talk about their wishes with those around them.

“Many Queenslanders have very set views about how they would like to be cared for when they are approaching end of life, who they want around them or even where they would like to die”, he says. “It is so important that we all share our wishes with those closest to us while we still can”.

According to Sunshine Cost palliative care physician Dr Louise Welch, planning ahead can make a huge difference to the quality of life that many terminally ill patients will experience in the last year of life.

“In my practice, I have noticed that more and more patients each year are planning their end of life, many of whom have completed Advance Health Directives, spelling out the type of treatment that they would like to receive as they approach end of life. There is now very strong evidence to indicate that people who have completed an Advance Health Directive are far more likely to have their wishes for end of life met.”

“Advance Health Directives are giving people choice, and for many” she says, “the ability to exercise choice at end of life is vitally important”.

For more information about palliative care or to find out about more about Advance Health Directives, please visit the Palliative Care Australia website or contact the Palliative Care Helpline on 1800 772 273.

Palliative Care Queensland is the peak advocacy organisation for palliative care and end of life in Queensland, representing the interests and aspirations of all who share the ideal of quality care at the end of life for all. Palliative Care Queensland has over 300 members, most of whom are specialist palliative care doctors and nurses.

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